May 13 – 27, 2014


May 14 – 27, 2014


I’m back from my mini vacation in New Jersey well rested and ready to get back into the swing of things. Miss Chris and my naughty niece Cat came for a visit and we had lunch together, which was nice. Miss Chris had some sessions booked so it was a working trip for her.

photo 3

I on the other hand, took the week off from spanking and my web site work to kick back and clear my mind. I saw a concert, went to my favorite Jersey band’s rehearsal, ate at fabulous Italian restaurants, and every morning had my coffee and pastry at a little bakery. I absolutely love New Jersey!

This week I’ll be catching up with posts on my web site and getting updates done for when I leave for Canada in the summer. Thursday I’m going to Memphis until June 4 for a get away with my naughty boy GivanTake. I plan to do sessions while I’m there and still have a few openings left. Email me before Thursday so you won’t miss out.

My naughty boy Timothy came to see me on Sunday for a session and to celebrate my birthday which is this week. He always sees me on his birthday (coming up next month) and this year he decided to come see me for a spanking for my birthday. He bought me a beautiful black dress in Atlantic City, which we saw walking through the shopping area in the casino, and I fell in love with it. Timothy sneaked back to the shop with Sarah and had her try it on to see if it would fit me, since we’re built pretty much the same on the top. She told him it would be perfect for me so he bought it.


He also bought me a new wooden paddle from Miss Rose and I used it on him during his session.


We took lots of photos and I’ve posted them in my members area. You can see them all there and read all about his spanking he got to celebrate my birthday.

‘Til next week…


Dana’s Discipline Diary


April 28 – May 9, 2014

Bobbi-Jo came to see me for her spanking session and it had only been 12 days since her last session. She sees me once a month now and since I will be doing some traveling this month she wanted to see me sooner rather than later.

Bobbi-Jo is a sensitive sweet lady and suffers a lot of internal pain from her past, which we’re trying to work through. She always cries during her spanking, letting the pain go and feeling the love I have for her with each smack on her bare bottom. I gently scold her and tell her to release those bad thoughts that cloud her mind and make her sad, and replace those thoughts with all the good that has come to her now. She says my spankings help her feel better about herself and this makes me happy.

She had a wonderful time at BBW and met many new friends. She made sure she attended as many activities as she could and I was very proud of how she mixed and mingled with people and didn’t spend a lot of time in her room brooding.

The highlight of the party for her, was meeting Richard Windsor which resulted in him taking her over his lap and spanking her. She wore a white skirt and white panties for the occasion, just in case Richard asked her to play, and her long-time wish came true. I wasn’t at the suite party where all this took place and didn’t know until we got together the next day to share a ride to the airport. I was so happy for her! And Bobbi-Jo was ecstatic but there was an incident after she left Richard that ruined her after glow. Apparently she took her name tag off and stuck it in her pocket before she went over Richard’s lap and when she left the room she forgot to pin it back on to be visible to the security team. It’s their policy that all invited guests wear their name tags when they are on the spanking floors or ballroom events, which is understandable because you don’t want vanilla folk wandering around and nosing into our business. Well, Bobbi-Jo got scolded for not wearing her tag and, being the sensitive sort she is, felt terrible about it. I talked to her and tried to make her forget about it but I knew she would carry it around with her until I spanked it out of her.

Sure enough, when she arrived for her session this week the first thing she started talking about was the name tag incident and how bad she still felt. I wasted no time in getting her into the spanking room, pulling her jeans and panties down, and turning her over my knee. She likes to chat at the beginning and I warm her up good with my hand while she chats away, then I add my leather straps. I planned on having her lie on the bed for a good strapping and I had 3 of my favorite straps picked out for her. I gave her a long strapping with each implement then rubbed some lotion and started all over again. She almost had to use her safe word – one of the straps is pretty nasty and that was the one that almost made her clench her cheeks and put her hands back to protect her bottom. I can read her body language very well and know when to stop and give her a break.

I sat back on the bed and used my wooden implements next – 2 hairbrushes, wooden paddles and a new paddle Bobbi-Jo bought from Sarah at the vendor’s fair. That was a really good paddle and I flipped it around and used the handle part of it on her sweet spots. That made her jump! I knew she was getting close to tears and I knew she had to get rid of those bad thoughts that put a cloud over her experience with Richard. I pushed the wood aside and spanked her with my hand – hard and steady and scolded her for being so silly. I told her I loved her and wouldn’t let anyone hurt her again. She is my good girl and she is better than that mean person who hurt her feelings. The sobs started and the tears flowed and I kept on spanking her until she had cried it all out. I got her up and scooted down on the bed and wrapped her in my arms and held her tight while she continued to cry. I rubbed her back and told her she was a good girl and I loved her. After awhile the tears and sobs stopped and she started talking about happier things and all the good times she had at the party. She plans to go again next year and I’m glad that one sour note didn’t scare her away.

That’s it for this week. I’m on my way out of town for a Mother’s Day get-away. Happy Mother’s Day to all you special ladies out there who have devoted most of your life to your children.

‘Til next week – behave!

April 22- 29, 2014


I had a very busy week in Atlantic City attending the Boardwalk Badness Weekend and this was their best spanking party yet. As you know, I attend a lot of spanking parties and BBW is by far the best one out there. So many activities to keep you entertained and informed, not to mention my many spanking friends and loyal clients I see each year.

I did five sessions and shot a new video with Sarah Gregory and Joelle from Punished Brats. I haven’t come up with a title yet and when I do I’ll be sure to let you know the name of it and when it’ll be available in my store. I gave the girls both a hard OTK hand spanking and didn’t feel the need to use any implements on them after I turned each bottom into a pair of hot buns. Joelle is a delightful young lady with an incredible spankable bottom and it was pure pleasure to work with her. I look forward to shooting with her again.

My good girl Bobbi-Jo attended the party and this was her first. It was a big step for her to do this and I was very pleased she decided to make BBW her debut event. She did very well mixing and mingling and met many new friends. I was very proud of her. We did our regular cathartic spanking session and I go into more details about her spanking in my diary in my members area. Here’s a pic of Bobbi_jo with Justin.


Timothy was there as well and looked after my every need all weekend long – taking me to dinner, accompanying me to the balls each night, and escorting me to my room when the night was over. I did a heavy session with Timothy too and there’s more to tell in my members diary.

March 25 – April 7, 2014

March 26 – April 7, 2014

If you’re reading this you’ve obviously discovered my new web site, which has been in the works for over a month now. I’m so excited to finally have a dynamic new site where you’ll be able to browse through my photo galleries and video clips a lot easier than before. I’ll now have 2 diaries for you – one in the free area, which will keep you up to date on my activities and a second diary in my members area which goes into more detail about my spanking sessions. All my old photo sets and video clips are stored inside the members area in my archives, so don’t fret my naughtys if you thought those pix and clips are no longer available. You’ll still be able to spend some exciting time perusing the old classic memories.

I’m starting a new project this week to celebrate the launching of my new site. A lot of you remember me from the old classic videos I did with Leda/Nuwest and Jennifer Brooks. Since these sites no longer carry my early work (and Jennifer’s site is now obsolete), I’ve decided to reintroduce them to you here. You’ll be able to buy some of my vintage classic videos from my earlier years starting out as a disciplinarian. Remember “David Meets Dana Specht” and “Debra’s New Boss”? I still have people ask me about these films and how can they get a copy? Well, soon you’ll be able to. And I mustn’t forget Jonathan! His cameo performance was filmed with me and we ended up doing 3 videos together. He then went ahead and designed his own site but still played a sub in his videos. We did one more for my site back in 2002 – “Down Home Discipline”.

So, if you’re not a member yet, join my site and nestle down for some exciting action photos, video clips, spanking stories, and more…

March 11- 25, 2014


My new web site is almost finished and I’m so excited for you to see it. My new web master has done a tremendous amount of work sorting through my archives, posting photos and video clip, and making it all look so nice and modern. It will be easier to navigate than my old one and won’t be so confusing. The one change I’m really happy about is that I’ll now be posting my discipline diary in the free area so all of you will be able to read what I’ve been up to.

My good girl Diane came to see me since my last update and my naughty boy William paid me a visit too. I saw a new naughty boy, Tom and he and I had a great session and he’ll be back once a month he promised me. Some boys never learn their lesson I guess, which is why I stay so busy in my spanking room.

Diane wanted to explore some deeper inner feelings she’s had bottled up for many years, especially her troubled childhood. We discussed a lot of her problems in emails before she came for her session, and I wanted to try and spank her long and hard enough so she could release these negative thoughts and hurtful memories and begin to focus on the here and now and enjoy her life a little more.
I’m no psychologist and I don’t pretend to be and Diane knows this – in fact she’s had training in this field and has helped me understand her pain and how I might help her get rid of it. I’m hoping my spanking sessions help her. She tells they do and she always feels better after lying across my lap and getting her bottom spanked. It’s not so much the pain for Diane (and boy, can she take it!0 but the intimacy we have and the touch and comfort she gets when she’s with me. After care is a big part of her session too, where we lie on the bed and cuddle until her tears stop.

I talked to her for quite awhile in the living room before we started the session and she told me again about the teasing and bullying she endured as a child. I felt that this poor little girl was never given enough love and support when she needed it the most and that she grew up thinking she was bad and worthless. My heart broke all over again hearing her tell me the awful things that were said and done to her and I wanted so much to be able to fix things for her.

We went into my spanking room and I had a few implements on the bed waiting for her. She laid across the bed and watch me as I dug through my toy boxes for more straps and paddles. She told me she was nervous and I told her to relax and not to worry – she was safe and I was going to make her feel better.

I propped myself up against the headboard of the bed and patted my lap for Diane to nestle in. She knelt beside me and I pulled her jeans down, then her panties. Over my lap she went and adjusted herself until she was comfortable. She and I knew she’d be in this position for more than an hour. I began rubbing her bare bottom and we talked more about her sadness. I spent a long time just rubbing because I didn’t want to start right in with spankings. She needed a loving touch first, the spankings would come after to bring on the tears and help her release the bad stuff. I told her she was a good girl and that I loved and cared about her and wanted her to start loving herself. She was not bad or dumb or ugly – she was my little girl and the mean things the kids said and did to her were wrong and if I were there at that time, I would have beat them all up. She laughed at this. I also added that I would have beat up the teacher who constantly picked on her for no reason. I told her the spanking I’m going to give her is out of love not anger, and not because she’s bad. The spanking is for still believing those awful things the kids said to her, and that I wanted her to be kind to herself now. I suppose it was a punishment spanking because I didn’t want her to continue to beat herself up.

I began to spank her with my hand and told her again that she was my little girl and I wasn’t going to let anyone be mean to her ever again. The sobs started and the tears were flowing and I kept on spanking. She cried and I spanked, strapped, and paddled and then gave her a break with some lotion and soft gentle rubbing. She composed herself and caught her breath, then I started again – and so did the tears and sobs. We changed positions about halfway through and she stretched out on the bed and I knelt beside her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and used the hairbrush and the dreaded guitar paddle, that always makes her bawl like a baby. I ended her session with her back across my lap and hand spanked her until the last of her tears were cried out.

We snuggled on the bed and I put a blanket over her and wrapped her in my arms, kissing her head and brushing her hair away from her face. We talked some more about the things the mean kids did to her and I told her to think of it differently – that these kids were only 7 or 8 years old and what do they know? They’re kids and kids can be cruel and she’s a grown woman now and should realize the silliness of what they said and did. I made her laugh and I think she took this thought home with her to dig deeper into what I was trying to say.

Diane feels much better and I can tell just from how she writes her emails to me now. We still have more work to do but I’m confident I can help her love herself and be proud of the woman she’s become. She’s my good girl and I love her and I’m proud of her!

William was able to come and see me for a quick session one evening last week. He likes me to wear lingerie and I tell him to wear his spanking panties. He always puts them on before he comes to me but this time he didn’t and asked me to do the honors. I stripped him bare and made him step into a pair of black satin bikini panties, then turned him over my knee. I concentrated on the bare skin peeking out from the panties and when his cheeks were red, I gave him a break. I applied lotion then told him I wanted to spank him in the silky see-through pair. This way I’d be able to watch as his entire cheeks turned red. I teased him with a few swats from Lindsy’s paddle, then turned him over my knee again.


I could see his bottom getting redder with each smack and I was so into it! I picked up the paddle and gave him 10 smacks, then continued with my hand for 100 more! I pulled his panties down so I could see his color better and saw I had left 2 apples on his cheeks. Must have been that paddle – or it could have been from my hand. At this time I knew William had had enough and he can’t have lasting marks. I applied more lotion and gave him strict orders to put an ice pack on his bottom when he got home.

Tom was my new naughty boy and we had a great session. He didn’t want a scenario so we chatted about his spanking interests and my experiences until I decided it was time to get down to business. I had my own scenario in mind, and told him he was going to be punished for not phoning me on time to confirm his appointment and get directions to my house. I always can come up with an excuse to punish someone. I told him to remove his shoes and shirt, then I went to work taking his pants and un derwear down and off. I turned him over my knee and gave him a nice warm up hand spanking. Since Tom was a new naughty boy I needed to see how he took his hand spanking and if would pink up real fast as this would determine what, if any, implements I’d use. Tom took a good spanking and from the looks of his pink bottom I knew he could take the belt. I used 3 of my belts on him, then 2 of my leather straps. I finished him off with a hairbrush spanking, sitting on the bed with him in a tight leg lock. He wasn’t marked or bruised, just rosey red all over. Next time I’ll spank him harder.

I see Steven tomorrow for his maintenance spanking. Sometimes he’s a crybaby and can’t even take my hand spankings, and other times I paddle him real hard. I’ll fill you in next week on how Steven’s day went in my spanking room.

That’s it for this week my naughtys. ‘Til next time – behave!


Dana’s Discipline Diary March 4 – 10, 2014


Well my naughties my new site is almost done and I’m so excited to see what my new web master has created for us all. I’m sure you’ll love it and find it much easier to navigate than my old site. Sometimes change is good.

I saw two naughty boys this week – Ben and William. Gather ’round and I’ll fill you in on the details.

Ben has seen me once before and when he wrote me to book his session, I remembered him immediately. Some of you stick in my mind for some reason or another. Ben describes himself as a “small man” and he is, standing just below my shoulder so small enough that when I turn him over my knee, his feet are off the floor. This is such a common fantasy for my naughty boys, to be able to feel helpless and little again while over Mommy’s knee. Ben brought his video camera along and taped our session for him to enjoy after he got home. Sorry, but he wouldn’t allow me to share it with you.
I started off with a scolding (like I always do) and by the time I pulled Ben’s pants down he was a frightened young man knowing full well what lay in store for him. I spanked him with my hand first turning his bottom a bright pink in no time. I wondered to myself if he’d be able to withstand the hairbrush because he was pinking up so quickly. I gave him a rest by applying lotion and having him check his bottom in the morror. Next I made him lie on the bed and took my leather strap to him but not for long because he was getting very red by now. I had my wimpy hairbrush on the floor by my chair and I really wanted to spank him with that, so more lotion and another quick check in the mirror then back over my lep he went for the hairbrush. I didn’t smack him real hard because marks were an issue with Ben and I certainly didn’t want him to go home and face real trouble. I gave him slow and deliberate smacks with the hairbrush until I saw the beginnings of two red “apples” on his cheeks. I pushed him off my knee and had him lay his head down on my lap while I stroked his hair and told him what a good boy he was. Lots of hugs and cuddle time after, then I sent him on his way.

William is a regular naughty boy of mine and comes to see me when the opportunity is right – usually at the last minute. Knowing William’s tight schedule I try to accommodate him and this week it worked out for the both of us. We only did a half hour session but he left with a very red bottom and a happy smile on his face. William taped our session for his enjoyment too.

When I pulled William’s pants down he was wearing a pair of black sexy panties and I teased him about how cute he looked in them. I made him model them for me and laughed at his humiliation.
William is another naughty boy who can’t have tell-tale marks so I took my time and was careful not to get too carried away. I spanked him over his panties first and was surprised that his bottom wasn’t even pink when I pushed the panties aside to check. This told me that I could spank him harder, so I pulled his panties down and started anew on his bare cheeks. William has a beautiful spankable bottom – not too muscular and tight, but perfect for my hand to actually cover his cheek when I spank it. I allowed him to kiss my feet and give them a massage before I took my hairbrush to him. This was a welcome break for him and before I picked up my hairbrush I smoothed some aloe vera on his red bottom.
William took the hairbrush spanking better than I thought, but then again it had been over a year since he’d seen me last and I know he missed me and my spankings.

My good girl Diane comes today and this will be a very intense session for the both of us. I’ll fill you in next week.

Now for my update:

First of all, I have some new travel dates in case you’re having a hard time trying to locate my schedule:

April 22 – 28 Atlantic City for Boardwalk Badness.

May 15 – 23 Personal vacation (no sessions)

May 29 – June 3 Memphis (doing sessions)

June 18 – 23 Dallas for Texas All State Spanking Party

July 8 – Sept 23 Canada (no sessions except for my quick trip to Chicago)

July 30 – Aug 4 Chicago for Crimson Moon

My photos this week are a compilation of some of my naughty boys, titled “Dana Spanks Naughty Boys”. Check out the great action shots!

My video clip is from our latest video “Sarah’s Stress Relief Spanking”.
Dana Specht spanks Sarah Gregory
’til next week, behave! xx

February 18 – March 4, 2014

I had a wonderful time in Vegas attending the Fifty Freaks spanking party and saw many of my long time spanking friends. Some of them I hadn’t seen since the Shadow Lane parties, including Eve and Tony, who I spoke to about shooting a video with them next time I’m in Vegas. Mike Tanner and Jules from SSNY were there as was Richard Windsor. Rich and I discussed doing another video interview at BBW.

My best buddy GivanTake looked after me like a queen. Miss Chris was there too and he made sure both his “girls” were well taken care of. On our last night there, he took us all out to dinner, including Sarah and her new beau John. My little girl is in love and is so happy! I met him for the first time and liked him immediately. As long as he makes her happy, then I’m happy.

Dana Specht spanks Miss Chris

I shot three videos – two with Sarah and one with Lee and GivanTake. Lee plays my husband and Givan plays his best friend. They both come home late from partying after standing me up from taking me to dinner, so I spank the both of them. This should be edited soon and available in my video store.

With Sarah, we shot a scene where I meet John and inform him that I spank my daughter when she is moody or misbehaves, and that he should do the same after they get married. I show John how I spank her, then he takes a seat and tries his hand at spanking Sarah. The second one we shot was with Lee – similar to “Hot Lunch”, where we both have our way with him spanking, strapping, and paddling his bare bottom. Sarah will be editing these two as soon as she gets back from Los Angeles and I’ll have them added to my video store. So, lots of new videos are on the way and I’ll post clips too.

I saw four naughty boys while I was in Vegas – three regulars and one newbie.

Gary was my first naughty boy to see me and he has been a regular of mine ever since I started doing spanking sessions, so I know him well and what he needs. It had been awhile since Gary had been over my knee and he reacted with some squirming and jumping after each smack with my bare hand. I eased up a little and gave him a long slow warm up. When I felt he was ready for leather, I had him lie on the bed and took a couple of straps to him. I rubbed lotion in between because by now I could see a few angry red marks from the straps and I didn’t want to bruise him. I put him back over my knee and spanked him with the hairbrush. Gary also got six strokes from my cane.

Jeffrey is another long-time naughty boy of mine and is a heavy player. He knew he was in for a strict severe discipline session when he walked in the door. I had all my heavy implements ready for him and he brought cuffs and ropes for me to tie him down on the bed. I always make Jeffrey secure the ropes to the bed frame and attach the cuffs for his hands and feet before I get started with his session. I stripped him naked and turned him over my knee for a hard hand spanking. I scolded him for being away from me for so long and he promised he’d see me soon. After the warm up hand spanking it was time to tie Jeffrey down so I could really give him some harsh discipline. I made him lie face down on the bed and put his hands and feet into the cuffs. I used my thick straps on him and gave him a few strokes from my cane. I whipped his bottom with my rubber cat, then teased him with a few light flicks across his back. Jefrrey’s bottom was very red and there were a couple of wide strap marks across his hips that he got when he was squirming. I took my large lickin’ stick and layed it on him heavy. By now he had two red apples on his cheeks that I knew would last for a few days. I applied lotion and let him calm down, telling him his punishment was over. We sat and chatted for a bit before he left with a big smile on his face and feeling much better.

My next naughty boy was John, who I see every time I go to Vegas. We usually do a two hour session but this time he only had time for one hour, which was all I needed to give him a red bottom, a few good smacks across his face, a thorough mouth soaping, and a panty spanking after I dressed him up in lingerie and high heels making him look like a slutty naughty girl. Lots of scenarios going on with John but I managed to get all his fantasies played out for him and he left a very happy boy.

My new naughty boy, Johnny, had never been spanked before and was very nervous when I opened my door and let him in. We sat and chatted for awhile but it didn’t ease his nervousness any. When I stripped him naked and stood him at my right side, he was shaking so badly I figured I’d better put him over my knee before he collapsed. I gave him a slow warm up with my hand and he jumped after each smack. He was a small man and fit nicely over my lap. He had a small athletic bottom too, which I love. He mentioned in his email that he wanted to experience a leather strap and maybe a hairbrush so after his hand spanking I put him on the bed and gave him a few licks with my favorite black leather strap. He squirmed and wiggled and didn’t like that much at all, but he took it from me. I put him back over my knee and told him to hand me the hairbrush that was lying on the floor close to his hand. He reluctantly handed it to me and I gave him two smacks and that was all he could take. He used his safe word and told me he’d had enough. I allowed him off my knee and made him lay his head down on my lap. I calmed him down and told him he did very well for his first time. He got dressed and left after promising me he’d see me again next time I was in Vegas. He wrote me a nice thank you note a few days later and told me he had a couple of bruises from his spanking but they were beginning to fade and he said he’d miss them when they disappeared.

Now for my update:

My photo gallery has some new pix of Sarah and I dressed in sexy lingerie and looking quite dominant. These were taken in her new shed when I visited her last month.

My video clip is from our new video “Sarah’s Stress Relief Spanking” and will soon be available in my video store. This is similar to “Momma Spanks Good Night” only in this one I bring her to tears – much needed after the stressful few months she had being in the play Les Miserables.

Dana Specht spanks Sarah Gregory

Now some important and exciting news. I am in the process of changing web masters and redesigning my site. This should all be done in 2 – 3 weeks, hopefully. In the meantime, my site will still be up and running with new updates each week. My membership signups will change as well and I will elaborate more on this as it gets closer to the changeover. I am very excited with this new web site and it’s something that I’ve been thinking about for a few years. Change is always good.

That’s it my naughties. I’m home in Carmel for the month of March and most of April until I leave for Atlantic City April 22.

‘Til next week – behave! xx

Dana Specht spanking videos. F/M and F/F blog.